There are so many fun things kids learn with snow :-) and we have been having a blast exploring.
First is the fact that more + more = a LOT! And a lot of something can be really fun or a disaster. In this case, a lot of snow is fun, but a lot of meatballs falling from the sky is not fun (thanks to cloudy with a chance for meatballs movie). We have a lot of snow on the ground, and a bit more everywhere else. We had snow up to our window. (I know, they aren't very good pictures, but our real camera went kaput).

Later we learned the classic, "Don't eat the yellow snow", and had a very interesting and detailed discussion about that. I will spare you the details :)
We also made fresh snow cones with Pina Colada mix, or Peanut Colada's ?!?!?!?!? as Hanna calls them, generously poured over the snow. Nothing better than the real thing for snow cones. We also decided this kind of yellow snow was okay to eat :)
We had a medical discussion on brain freezes, and confirmed that we did not like frozen brains.
We dug snow tunnels, and agreed some tools work better than others. At times the hand is the best tool for the job. We also talked about gravity, weight disbursement, and weight loads.
Lessons of small, smaller, and smallest and big, bigger, and biggest were enjoyed by all.