After much debating, praying, and him-hawing, we are excited to announce we are officially camper owners! I know, some of you will not think a pop-up (folding) camper is "really" a camper but for me, this is the best of everything! I love tent camping; the feel of being outdoors; waking up feeling nature first thing in the morning and before you drift off to sleep. I want the kids to grow up loving nature, preserving and caring for it. John on the other hand, likes having 4 walls, a solid roof, and A/C. John likes to go out and enjoy nature but likes to come home to comfort.
The pop-up is perfect for both of these. I get the feeling of a tent, and John can run his A/C to his hearts content. YEAH!!!!!
And now we are ready :) The girls are excited to be out cleaning and making it their own. After we got done putting it up, Lexi laid on the bed, that will be the kids, and stared at the ceiling dreaming, "I need to get my dream catcher from the house, so I won't have bad dreams here. And I need to bring out my underwear. Mom, I also need to put some ice cream in the fridge". I love that the kids dream and think the world is so simple. I can honestly say she probably chose that side of the camper because it was closest to the the fridge.

So here are a few pictures, but I am sure there will be more to come as the year progresses.

Maybe we will just go nomad :)