Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We got everything we wanted, except John's front left tooth, but he will get that on the 5th.

Rock'n around the Christmas Tree, Christmas Eve.

Amoung the Chaos - can you even see us?

Thank-you Grandma and Grandpa Trochesset, we love our dresses!

More pictures to come later, after I recoupe :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

All I Want For Christmas. . . .

Is my left front tooth.

John was removing an old bent nail from a board and the nail decided to remove part of John's tooth. When the nail released itself from the board, it propped its stuff straight towards his mouth. Being it was a Sat. night, we have to wait until Monday to get anyone to look at it. The corner is chipped and there is a crack that goes straight up the tooth to the gum.

With this tooth and his gold cap in the back, John will soon have more money in his mouth than his daughters, who had braces.

John is slowly transgressing to hillbilly status.