Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Drama Queen

In Action. The other day we were having dramatic play with the child care and she showed her true colors. She is such a drama queen - we have been telling her that for months, but now we caught her on film :) I loaded the whole episode on Picasa for you to enjoy :-)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thoughtful Children

I look these as the girls were contemplating the inner meaning of Easter (or so I would like to think they were that sophisticated).


Aren't they beautiful people!

Easter 09

What a wonderful Spring Day to celebrate!

The Easter Bunny arrived at our house sometime in the night and left the girls easter baskets filled with Barbie Movies and Wipe-off coloring/tracing books.

Then after Church, the girls discovered that the bunny left eggs in our yard.



The girls met my Sister's two little girls, Kelsey (7) and Kaylen (2 1/2) and I am so excited that they will grow up together. Kelsey and My daughter both share those "oldest child" similarities and my youngest and Kaylen are both, quite obviously, the babies. Kaylen and my youngest were much too worried about whose mommy was who, rather than keeping up with the Kelsey and my oldest.




Don't they look like trouble? I think our only saving grace is that the girls live about 7 hours apart. But summers and Holdays will be soooo much fun!

Old News and New News

The new arrival is now old news at our place.

John and the girls started a clutch of 19 eggs in the incubator, two babies broke through their eggs, but only one made it. Mixed emotions ran high as our family was once again reminded that life is does not always turn out as we expected. At first, John and I discussed getting rid of the extra eggs and running out to the local farm store to buy some baby chicks and replace the rotten eggs while the kids were gone to school, but the reality is that it really doesn't teach the kids the real facts about life. But in the end, we did go buy three more babies to keep our one Americanas company, after all, chickens are social animals. I am little perplexed by our choice of chicks - some broiler breed - since we are vegetarians, but I guess that goes with John's theme. Boar goats (meat goats) and broiler chickens - go figure.