on an adventure. In the thingamajigger, up, up and away!At least that is what the Cat in The Hat would say.

The bags were packed, the pop-up was loaded, and fun was had by all.
We took our first major trip of many a couple weeks ago, and now we officially feel road worn :)
John started the 900 mile one-way trip with the three big girls and I joined him 10 days later - yes that is correct, John set off for Biloxi with three girls, 8, 6, and 3 all by himself, and according to the girls it was an awesome trip! John, on the other hand, didn't quite use the same words. But when I arrived, no one got lost in the swamp, eaten by alligators, or tortured by fire ants, so in my book life was good.
Our Mecca to Biloxi was for Benjamen's (our youngest grandson) baptism, and some good old fashion southern love! Benjamen was the star of the show, and a wonderful star at that.

But one starless night heading back to camp from the in-laws/out-laws, we spotted a gem in the dark - a cluster of several shrimp boats anchored near shore, probably readying for an early morning departure. It was a beautiful sight, and the picture doesn't do it justice.

Then, one morning we finally met up with the infamous resident alligator. This turned into a great learning experience for the girls as they witnessed Alli eating a morning snack, and calling for his/her buddies (it is mating season, and was quite impressive).

Ask the girls about alligators and how you tell them apart from crocodiles; they love rattling off their newly learned facts.

After our alligator lesson, we headed off for safer waters, the Biloxi Beach, which John claims is just as dangerous with all the chemicals and run-off. Even though he didn't go in the water, the girls weren't scared and drank plenty while swimming in the waves, and no one even came down with a bout of dysentery, so it truly was a great day :) .

We even enjoyed a rare treat at the IHOP on the beach. WE LOVE US SOME IHOP PANCAKES!!! Although we all agreed that the water must have been one filter away from the beach water.

While we were there, Lexi turned 6 (where has the time gone), and she received the royal treatment, as right for such a beautiful princess.

Then it was time to head north, and just in time. The weather was brewing up a nasty southern storm just as we pulled out of the campground! Memphis was the final stop on the trip, and I must say I felt as rough as I looked!

A big thank-you to all the southern hospitality and love! We love you and miss you all!
Home Sweet Home-away-from-home!